播客:问&A和鲍勃·查普曼. 3

  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

This is the third 和 final part of the Everybody Matters Podcast where I answer questions submitted by our social media audience. 你可以在youtube视频下面找到这些问题. 别忘了回去听听 第一部分 和 第二部分.

I hope you find the dialogue we’ve been having over these last three episodes as inspiring as I have. 外围十大菠菜app将来还会这样做!


人人都重要, you wrote about the journey that lead to the development of the Guiding Principles of 领导 at Barry Wehmiller. You said you (和 your team) haven’t wanted to change a word of the original GPL document over the years. My question is how do you get buy-in from entry-level employees to believe that they are leaders within your organization 和 their leadership development begins when they walk in the door? The struggle we have pertaining to this lies in a system wide antiquated belief that leadership is synonymous with management 和 is hierarchical rather than systematic in nature.


What did you find as your biggest challenge to get the culture shift that now exists at Barry Wehmiller? For me I am finding the other senior leadership is stuck old business thought process 和 practices. 供应链组真的明白了. 他们明白,外围十大菠菜app在一起比单独行动更好. 他们非常喜欢西蒙·斯涅克留言中的鼓励. They want to impact people but clearly it has been a challenge 和 at times they feel overwhelmed. They can’t underst和 why others are resisting the culture shift that is necessary. 你能分享的任何东西都会非常感激.



How can public education systems be improved to give birth to a new generation of entrepreneurs 和 leaders inspired by conscious capitalism?


我读过你的书, 外围十大菠菜app在领导工作中广泛地运用它, 你到外围十大菠菜app的组织来演讲, I use your TED Talks in our leadership courses 和 have seen you speak in a number of venues.  我喜欢你和你的团队所做的工作.  我的问题集中在你的工作影响了人们的生活, 希望和证据表明它也会影响家庭生活.  有没有在小学里教授这些的行动, 把这一点教给刚成家的年轻父母, 婚姻咨询, 等.?  在前端多教一些, as opposed to teaching in organizations which is more toward the back-end (和 where we do a lot of our own development work as well unfortunately).



I am a servant leader: I believe that I am there first 和 foremost to support the needs of my team. 如果他们有他们需要的东西,那么他们就能充满激情地扮演他们的角色.

I am a headteacher in a special school for children with high levels of anxiety 和 Autism. There is not one person in that school that only does the hours that is in their contract 和 the whole school is run on goodwill. 我爱我的团队和他们所做的一切, 为外围十大菠菜app的学生和他们的家庭提供个人和专业服务. However, this is now a very different school to the one I took over a year ago.

We belong to a large mental health organisation where the people above us are only interested in the bottom line (the ebitda) My boss is not a ‘leader’ he is not a ‘problem solver’ nor does he put the welfare of his ‘team’ into his agenda. 他经营着一种责备文化.

I have tried for a year to model by my behaviour how to turn a culture around. And I have time 和 time again showed him how coaching 和 working through people 和 with the people in your team enable them to be themselves leaders 和 instil a sense of pride 和 responsibility in what they do.

The problems started when I realised that my team did not have all they needed in order to do their best work. Therefore I began asking for resources such as more therapist hours (a legal requirement for the majority of our students 和, 事实上,每个地方政府都为其提供了可观的资金). 当我意识到我的错误时已经太晚了. 从今天起,我被解雇了,不需要提前工作. 我没有权利,因为我在那里工作的时间不够长. 但我的问题不是关于我自己, 这是关于我的同事, is it possible for them to sustain that collaborative culture that we created together 和 stay in that positive bubble within a toxic organisation? Or will the school now return to the one that I first encountered upon my arrival?



读过你的书后,你问“关心是否有投资回报? ?以及“为了更好地对待员工,你需要得到公司的许可吗? ?”

是的,我在工作中这样做 .. 我收到的批评是“那不是你的工作,做你的工作。 !”

所以我的问题是“如何防止人们吃醋” ? 尤其是管理 ? 因为他们似乎需要表明自己是老板。”.


老实说,我很挣扎.  I read Everybody Matters a couple of years ago, after being introduced by my mentor.  起初, 我没有准备好,找了很多借口, 对于我自己和我的工作环境(过去和现在).  但总有一些东西把我推回到这些概念上.  我意识到我从来没有在这样的环境中工作过。. 将他们的劳动力视为达到目的的手段和/或2). 有一种商业心态吗.

I’m currently running the HR department for a growing company owed by an equity investor.  I was starting to quietly look for my next professional adventure 和 had a couple of near hits, but then I was given the opportunity to analyze/improve the benefits so I stopped looking as this is a project I’ve been begging for 和 discouraged from for years.  直到最近,福利还被认为是成本节约, when potential corporate c和idates started turning down interviews based on the benefits (or lack thereof).  I’ve already been able to improve the 401k considerably 和 am working on the health plan 和 PTO policy as we speak.  但同时, 我的想法/感觉(我是长期的)之间的差异, 战略思想家)都很累人.

我知道这很啰嗦,也许背后的故事并不重要, but it’s also the crux of my professional life 和 my crossroads 和 therefore it seems overwhelmingly so to me.  我的问题更基本.  Is it better/can you make more of a difference staying within a non-people centric system while striving to make the small improvements as you can 和 create a more positive climate as a result? Or to seek an environment that is more aligned with the path you want to personally go down?  如果你想要一个更以人为本的环境, 自然产生的坏习惯要改掉有多难?  这可能是一个太私人的问题, but it’s been my biggest mental struggle for months 和 I’m no closer to an answer then in the beginning.

- name扣留


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2019年11月26日
播客:问&A和鲍勃·查普曼. 1
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2019年12月9日
播客:问&A和鲍勃·查普曼. 2
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2023年7月20日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture 和 develop outst和ing leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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